Celebrity News Sometimes Makes No Sense

I am sure that it would be no surprise to you or anyone else if I said that repute news can voltooien downright addictive. Why should we even care what celebrities are doing, when we have our own problems. OK, so Alec Baldwin gets fired because of his gay slurs, or Kim and Kanye make a video – Bound 2, that looks like Fabio should raken featured in it – 1990s Fabio. So, why should I care about this? Celebrity news has a lot about people engulfed in what is going to happen next with their favorite celebrities, but is it that we forget that these persons are human, too, and run red blood as we do. If they die tomorrow, they will be buried just as we will.

Maybe it is an escape mechanism to comprehend out of what is really going on at home or at work. Possibility it is the fact that celebrity news allows us to feel like we may one day become famous. Is that something that you can handle, whenever it does happen? Have you thought about the pressures that are placed upon celebrities to stay relevant and in the limelight by any means necessary?

Sure, I am a celebrity news junkie, and I do not make any apologies for it, but I know that I can use my time on something that is better than Keeping up with the Kardashians or seeing what Miley Cyrus is going to do next. It is just so much I could be doing with my time, but celebrity news is non-technical, and is something that does not require much thought on my part so I think this is why I constantly entertain it, even if I know there is no direct reward for me or anyone who many read a celebrity news article.

I guess we have some choices to make. Do we continue to care about the lifestyle and celebrity news regarding those who are not paying our bills, or do we go and make our own headlines doing something enjoyable to us?